Life groups are a key aspect of our church community where intimate communities of discipleship, vibrant prayer, radical hospitality, and cross-cultural mission intersect. Most meet weekly in the home of a group member (usually the leader's home or a host home). We try to keep them limited to about 12 people. If you can't find an open group, please let us know!

An intimate place to converse with one another, catch up on life, and construct authentic relationships through shared stories, prayer, study, and mission.

We believe the first crucial element life groups is community: intimate relationships with Jesus and other disciples. It is when disciples live in relationship with other disciples and do life together that we can really grow, just as Hebrews 10:24-25 says, "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together..." (ESV). Without getting together with other believers, we will not grow.

A transformative place where people encounter the truth and beauty of Jesus.
Ephesians says that we are to build up the Church “until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God’s Son, growing into maturity with a stature measured by Christ’s fullness” (CSB). This is the process of growth in the life of a disciple, the second element of life groups. Although God oversees and completes the process of growth in a disciple (Philippians 1:6), we use these groups to create environments for believers to grow in their relationship with Jesus in community.

An intentional place for people to rally together to reach out to our community through service and evangelism for the gospel of Jesus.
Jesus said, “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you” (Jn. 20:21). Every disciple has been sent with a task, which is why the third element of life groups is mission. Each of our life groups will prayerfully plan and strategize what and how to uniquely contribute to the mission of WFMC from neighborhoods to nations.
Find a LIFE GROUP Near You!
Email: connect@waynesborofm.com
Led by the Rexrode and Colvin Family
Sundays | 4:00 PM | Waynesboro
Led by the Brodd and Soper Family
Sundays | 6:00 PM | Waynesboro
Stuarts Draft LIFE GROUP
Led by Virginia Wingfield & Joyce Liddle
Fridays | 11:00 AM | Stuarts Draft
Led by Austin an Kat McClenahan
Sundays | 6:00 PM | Waynesboro
West Waynesboro LIFE GROUP
Led by the Crosby and Simpson Family
Wednesdays | 6:30 PM | Waynesboro
Young Adult LIFE GROUP
Led by the Pearce and Marsh Family
Mondays | 6:15 PM | Waynesboro